By Redhillbetta:

Betta fighting arenas have been around for decades, from the fighting of local Betta Imbellis to the Thai imported Betta Splendens, that arrived after the Second World War. Betta fighting remains a game that is actively participated by many even though it is no longer legal in the country, albeit by older people mostly in their forties and above.

It is a fact that Betta Splendens were originally domesticated and bred for this traditional game, it has continued to be so, nothing has changed. This web page only confronts and showed the reality.

This is a typical betta fighting arena, the fight bottles are arranged at eye level, of around 1.6m above ground. The fight bottles are usually "Horlicks" jars, they are rounded, about 15cm in diameter and water depth of 25cm. The bettas are purpose bred for fighting -as with any athlete- follow a strict diet and training regime, all are in tip top condition when they hit the arenas, primed and champing with rage.


Gathered at the arenas are members of the betta fighting fraternity, be they hobbyists, gamblers, fish brokers, breeders or merely on lookers, all for sharing a fellowship with betta fighting in their blood.


Players sharing opinions, typical little histories, merited fame of their fishes and of course feats of their past champions.


Players glued to the action in the fight bottles, with bets crossed, emotions and passion runs high in a typical hot and sweaty afternoon, occasional heated quarrelling and swearing is not uncommon.


A player examining the fishes, in the hope of betting on the winners. Experienced gamblers conscientiously examine the fighters' every aspects, nothing is left to chance, it is through careful observation of the rival fighters and knowing their histories that winners can be identified consistently beforehand.

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At the end of the day, win, lose or draw, the players will be back. For those who had put money on their losing fishes, may have also emptied money in their wallets but never the passions in their hearts.


The End