Singapore Betta Fighters


    Singapore Betta Fighters :


Every trade has it's own set of tools, betta players are no exception. This web page provides a glimpse into the toolbox of a typical local player.

The housing needs of bettas is usually a simple cylindrical bottle measuring 15mm in diameter and about 30mm in height. This size of bottle is commonly used as fight bottles in the arenas so bettas used to such housing will then feel more "comfortable" and shall have an advantage over their rivals. Players also uses them to train their fish, light water stiring to create a small swirl with a thin stick or paint brush for their fighters to swim against the current and using them to "chase" submissive bettas are just some examples. Smaller bottles of diameter 10mm by 10mm in height are used to temporary store newly harvested fish, for resting the fish after training and for fetching them to the arenas. Most sizing and matching of fighters at the arenas are in such small bottles.

Specially built tall glass tanks as shown above, which can hold about a metre deep of water are used for flaring exercises. Small bottles when laid horizontally and filled with water just enough to cover half of the fish's bodies are for "skipping" exercises. Round bottles of at least diameter 20mm and water depth not less than 30mm are commonly used for chasing exercises.

Nets are used to remove fish from the bottles, players do not handle their fish with bare hands. Thai krabuey, a scoop that hold some water and fish are favored by some players as nets if not smooth may do damage to the scales and fins of the fish.

Feeder spoons made from fine meshed threads are used for feeding live foods to the bettas, ideal for picking up bloodworms, mosquito larvaes, small baby fish and daphnia.

"Angry sticks" are used to tease the fighters. A well trained and in peak formed fish will flare at the angry stick, champing with rage at the sight of it. Players tease their fish often to check on their condition.

Indian Almond Leaves or Ketapang(local name) Leaves are in abundance here, in their dried form they are extensively used to condition the bettas, be it as disease prevention or cure or for toughening up the fish. The IAL solution will soften the water, lowering the PH level and release the beneficial humid acid to keep the bettas in good health. It is believed that the IAL solution can ward off parasites and the presence of tannins will harden the scales, giving the betta a solid and hard body.

Modern medications, vitamins, water treatment remedies and various secret concoctions, such as wines and herbal medicines, the lists are endless.....and no efforts are too much....just to provide their fighters with an edge over their arena rivals.