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These Web Pages are about the fighting strain Betta Splendens from BunTong New Village in Ipoh (Malaysia).

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The fighting rules within countries of the South East Asian region differs, in Thailand there are no time limits, the fight will end only when there is a winner.(The loser is the fish that gives up the fight and flee). In Singapore and Malaysia, the time limit is usually set at 3 to 4 hrs. If there is no winner within the scheduled time frame then it is a tie or draw.

At the fighting ring,fishes are matched for fights based on their physical size. They are put side by side and scrutinized, fish owners will then decide whether a fight should go ahead. A bigger fish is certainly a stronger fish,therefore it is critical to seize size advantages before a fight begins.

Sizing is an art, hardcore players never give in and will try every means to look out for an advantage in size. Fishes also come in different dimensions, some are taller, others thicker when viewed from the top and last but not least the ratio of fishes' head and body also differs.These all make sizing complicated.

Cheating is not uncommon in fights involving large bets, there are many tricks employed by unscrupulous players. Poisoning opponents' fish is one example, in some arenas the top cover of bottles are sealed during sizing. Replacing the fishes after sizing with a similarly colored but bigger fish is also common. Last but not least the bottles also play tricks, some bottles give the illusion of a smaller fish due to the design of the glass, but when thrown into the fight bottle the fish becomes bigger.

















